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Book Bundles

Try a book bundle! Each bundle has 5-10 books based on a theme. Request a bundle from GPPL by completing this brief form.

Be sure to include your name and preferred branch for pickup - Central, Ewald or Woods. A staff member will email you when your bundle is ready.  If you don't have a library card, you can get a temporary card here.  Or call our Reference Desk 313-640-4775 or connect with us on Chat in the lower right of the screen.

Having trouble with the form? Contact us at with your request.

Central, Ewald or Woods
Please tell us what types of books your children prefer -- animals, fantasy etc. Or do you want them to be a surprise?
Tell us any special details to help us create your book bundles. (limit 500 characters)


Fun daily early literacy activities

This calendar has tons of literacy-building activities you can do at home every day.

Story Time

Enjoy story time fun with your Youth Librarians at the library.

Tagged as: youth, kids, story time, book bundles, children, reading, literacy

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Your Starting Pointe

Grosse Pointe Library Card